Andorra la Vella - actual time
Euro (€) 1 Kč = 0,03994 €
1 € = 25,03549 Kč
13°C actual temperature
Andorra la Vella
capital city

It is advisable to take out insurance when traveling abroad

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Czech Republic vs Andorra

Andorra corresponds to 1 % of the Czech Republic area
Andorra has 99 % less inhabitants than Czech Republic
Andorra has 133 % population compared to Czech Republic

information about neighboring countries

important contacts in Andorra

emergency call 112
ambulance 116
police 110
firefighters 118
Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí
Loretánské náměstí 5, 118 00 Praha 1 – Hradčany

Andorra - a little bit of geography

continent Europe
neighboring countries Spain, France
area 468 km²
population 84 000
population density 179,49 pers/km²
state system parliamentary diarchy

holidays in Andorra 2024

holiday_new_year_day (Cap d'Any) mo 01.01.2024
holiday_epiphany (Reis) sa 06.01.2024
holiday_carnival_monday (Carnaval) mo 12.02.2024
holiday_constitution_day (Dia de la Constitució) th 14.03.2024
holiday_maundy_thursday (Dijous Sant) th 28.03.2024
holiday_good_friday (Dilluns de Pasqua) fr 29.03.2024
holiday_holy_saturday (Dissabte Sant) sa 30.03.2024
holiday_easter_monday (Divendres Sant) mo 01.04.2024
holiday_labour_day (Festa del treball) we 01.05.2024
holiday_whit_monday (Dilluns de Pentecosta) mo 20.05.2024
holiday_assumption_of_mary (L'Assumpció) th 15.08.2024
holiday_national_day (Nuestra Señora de Meritxell) su 08.09.2024
holiday_all_saints_day (Tots Sants) fr 01.11.2024
holiday_immaculate_conception (Immaculada Concepció) su 08.12.2024
holiday_christmas_eve (Nit de Nadal) tu 24.12.2024
holiday_christmas_day (Nadal) we 25.12.2024
holiday_boxing_day (Sant Esteve) th 26.12.2024
holiday_new_year_eve (Vigília de Cap d'Any) tu 31.12.2024

holidays in Andorra 2025

holiday_new_year_day (Cap d'Any) we 01.01.2025
holiday_epiphany (Reis) mo 06.01.2025
holiday_carnival_monday (Carnaval) mo 03.03.2025
holiday_constitution_day (Dia de la Constitució) fr 14.03.2025
holiday_maundy_thursday (Dijous Sant) th 17.04.2025
holiday_good_friday (Dilluns de Pasqua) fr 18.04.2025
holiday_holy_saturday (Dissabte Sant) sa 19.04.2025
holiday_easter_monday (Divendres Sant) mo 21.04.2025
holiday_labour_day (Festa del treball) th 01.05.2025
holiday_whit_monday (Dilluns de Pentecosta) mo 09.06.2025
holiday_assumption_of_mary (L'Assumpció) fr 15.08.2025
holiday_national_day (Nuestra Señora de Meritxell) mo 08.09.2025
holiday_all_saints_day (Tots Sants) sa 01.11.2025
holiday_immaculate_conception (Immaculada Concepció) mo 08.12.2025
holiday_christmas_eve (Nit de Nadal) we 24.12.2025
holiday_christmas_day (Nadal) th 25.12.2025
holiday_boxing_day (Sant Esteve) fr 26.12.2025
holiday_new_year_eve (Vigília de Cap d'Any) we 31.12.2025

Andorra - language and timezones

languages Catalan
timezones Europe/Andorra