Copenhagen - actual time
Krone (kr) 1 Kč = 0,29778 kr
1 kr = 3,35822 Kč
18°C actual temperature
capital city

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Czech Republic vs Denmark

Denmark corresponds to 55 % of the Czech Republic area
Denmark has 45 % less inhabitants than Czech Republic
Denmark has 100 % population compared to Czech Republic

plugs in neighboring countries

your plug in Czech Republic
plug type C

plugs in Denmark

socket type C
your plug can be used without any problems

socket type E
your plug can be used without any problems

socket type F
your plug can be used without any problems

socket type K
your plug can be used without any problems

your plug in Czech Republic
plug type E

plugs in Denmark

socket type C
your plug can not be used

socket type E
your plug can be used without any problems

socket type F
your plug can be used without any problems

socket type K
using your plug is not completely safe